Dungeon's, Dragon's and a Problematic Princess.
Dungeons, Dragons and a Problematic Princess
So as per a previous post I have started the horrible no good job of decluttering and cleaning the “dungeon” since a good portion of the mess down there has been caused by dragons and one princess I felt it only fitting to drag them down there to help in the mission of clearing the clutter. So as any mother of young kids can attest the cleaning and decluttering went something like this, pick up a toy, pick up a toy, OH look a toy I haven’t seen in a few months must stop to play with long lost toy that I could have cared less about owning a day ago and haven’t touched in a year except to throw it out of the toy box while looking for a toy that I actually play with. (yes i know that is a run on sentence, but it so accurately describes the process) Then of course after a few minutes I would remind them from across the room that we were cleaning not playing, which would in turn cause them to sign rather off key “clean up, clean up, everybody clean up,” and then the cycle would start again. This of course was interlaced with fighting between them over who had cleaned more, why the other wasn’t cleaning and the inevitable “MOMMY”, she isn’t helping!!! Yes it is always the princess that gets distracted and forgets what she was doing, which in turn leads her to rather dramatically claim that it is so unfair that they have to clean up and she did not make all of this mess and my new personal favourite, “mommy why do you make us do all of the work I don’t see you cleaning!” Must say it takes all of my will power on this one to not throw her in the dungeon and have one of the dragons swallow the key and yes one of my dragons would not even think twice about eating a key or anything else for that matter gotta love pica traits. Note to self what the hell were you thinking involving the mini mess makers in the cleaning and decluttering process. Well i know what i was thinking and technically the theory is good, BUT only in theory not in reality. i was thinking that they needed to learn responsibility and help to clean up the disaster of a rec room they had a hand in creating. Yeah that lasted all of a half hour after which time i decided for the sake of my sanity and because of my OCD ways it was better to just ignore the rec room portion of the basement until another day, preferably a school day!

Besides the honest and real reason I started with the basement may have had something to do with the fact that my awesome hubby just bought me a new stand up freezer, can you hear the angels singing, yes that is right a beautiful and large stand up freezer, and after months of dropping hints about how much better it would be to not have to crawl into the bottom of the freezer which involves standing on a stool, and nonchalantly mentioning how our family has doubled and that our old freezer is just not working anymore as it’s too small, he finally took the hint and over Christmas leave we went out to “look” at freezers i thought we would look around, price match yada yada but no as is hubby’s way, we walked in looked at a freezer that I thought was big enough and he turned to the sales lady and said, i’ll put that on debit, shopping just really isn’t his thing, but hey works for me because I have a brand new stand up freezer being delivered today, did I mention it’s a stand up and that it’s BIG, sigh yes I am pathetic and now get excitement over new appliances, you should have heard me when we got our new washer and dryer, though the novelty of those did wear off rather quickly. A sure sign of becoming a grown up your big exciting purchases now come in the form of a household object and need to be carried in by a delivery crew.
So the crunch was on the dungeon needed to be cleaned, so leaving the rec room area for another day I tackled the laundry area and bottom of the stairs which is turning into my mini office area and creative zone. The laundry is neat and organized and my new creative zone is started it is lacking any of the added touches that are my signature style but it is clean and clutter free so now it is just a matter of putting a few finishing touches and prettying it up a bit and we are good to go.
Well that’s me for today just trying to live life one puzzle piece at a time and anxiously awaiting the delivery of my new stand up freezer.
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