Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Say What????

There are certain things that i say on a regular basis in our house, most of these things i would never before have imagined saying and even now am quite frequently surprised at some of the phrases that pass between my lips,

Keep your clothes on and why are you naked are spoken daily in our house along with stop licking that and what are you chewing on, or now what are you eating.  Most recently i have also added don't bang your head on that and stop hitting yourself to the list of daily phrases,  please use your words, eyes up and how did you get into that also make the list of dailies,  on occasion i have said a few doozies that after passing my lips make me shake my head in complete bafflement  for instance once when we were having a picnic in a park i had to tell my oldest to stop pooping in public yes he had whipped his pants down in the middle of the park and was taking a dump right there beside the path( he is going to hate me for sharing this when he's older but i was mortified and excited at the same time he had just mastered potty training so i was excited he had taken the initiative to go to the bathroom just mortified at his choice of locations) , I've asked more then once how one of my children has gotten their head or another body part stuck in something and all the time i am telling at least one of my children to stop yanking on that in the living room..(.i used to say stop pulling on it it's not going to make it grow any faster but then my smarty pants replied with actually mom when i pull it it does grow... damn you child for being to smart for your own good and taking the threat out of my words with true facts) and once i even had to tell my son to stop licking another child yes you heard that right he kept licking a little girl at play group she must have bathed in cupcakes that morning.   

Now that my two oldest are talking i have often times heard my own words spoken back to me or over heard them being said to someone else, my daughter quite frequently tells her brothers they are driving her up the wall or advises them to put their listening ears on.  My son has recited something that i have said before back word for word and it usually goes a little something like this, but mom you said..... Sure i may have said that THEN but this is now so listen to me now!!! and why oh why do you have a mind like a trap but can only remember the things i don't want you to and totally forget the really important things like keep your room clean, wash your hands and most importantly flush the toilet!!! 

Words can have so much meaning and in our house we celebrate words, we celebrate that our 7 year old has out of the blue become a chatter box and that he is always coming out with interesting facts and the funniest antidotes, when 2 months ago he would barely say a complete sentence, we celebrate the cute things our daughter says in her sing song voice and we celebrate the 3 words that our non verbal son has said, we celebrated when our little babe said da da and ma ma and up for the first time.  Words are wonderful, beautiful and communication is great but sometimes the phrases that pass between my lips are far from eloquent poetry and sound more like that of the ramblings of a mad person or a radio that is only partially tuned in and is picking up several stations at a time.   For the outsider listening in I'm sure they must get a good chuckle at the insanity that is my daily chit chat and i am not embarrassed to say that some days i am very very grateful that only 2 of our kids are verbal because mommy says enough weird things for one household all on her own. 

That's me for today just trying to live life one puzzle piece at a time. 

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