Wednesday, 17 April 2013

When oh When did Cleaning with no kids home become my break

  Never a dull moment, that is how you would best describe my life.  The normal chaos of being a mother of four under six and military wife is busy enough but then add to that the chaos of two children on the spectrum and chaos turns into out right insanity.  During any given week I am busy with hours of therapy and doctors appointments, not to mention the normal everyday chaos like, laundry ( my own personal nemesis) cooking, cleaning and taking care of my family.  I don't normally complain and NEVER ask for help, that's just me and much to the dismay and disbelief from some of my mommy friends I also do not drop my children off at the drop in or take them to preschool,  not because we can not afford it, but i really really hate throwing money away on something like that if i am home my kids can be home with me and if i am going out then they come out with me and i do not even bat an eye at taking them all out with me and yes i have and do take all four of them to the grocery store by myself.

  Other moms are in shock at the fact that i am not afraid to take my kids with me out in public, to the grocery store, the fabric store or out to a restaurant and more often then not i get remarks like i would never take my kids out shopping, or my kids would never behave,  My kids are expected to act a certain way when we are out and they may not behave at home but they sure as heck do when we are out end of story!!!

   Ha right, who am I kidding my middle monster,  (I mean munchkin) spent the better part of mommy and babe boot camp screaming today, and my oldest used to cry anytime we left the house because the hum from the lights and the chaos of the people would throw him into melt down,  But seriously i can not complain because my kids actually are really well behaved and other then sensory moments they are expected to behave when we are out, and because i am the kind of mom that is always on the go and they have grown up being dragged all over the place they are used to it and for the most part they do very well when we are out and when they are in sensory overload or having a melt down we deal with it and sure for my own sanity i bribe them with timbits and m&m's, but seriously what mom doesn't and if all it takes is a few tasty treats to get my little introverts out the door then hey i say its a win win right, and sadly with my life it's not always a choice for me to leave them at home when my husband is away and we need something then out the door we go.  Besides it's good for them to learn about social situations and interactions and how to properly act in public.

Now i have a choice i had volunteered for my daughters class trip to the sugar bush tomorrow and it has since been postponed due to the possibility of bad weather tomorrow my two little boys are already registered for the drop in center and my oldest two will be at school which means that i have the opportunity to have several hours of kid free time, normally i would call and cancel but since i am trying to find me again i think i am going to take this opportunity to do just that, i am going to drink a tea while it is still hot, and clean and organize the house uninterrupted, i know what your thinking oh my god she's gone crazy stop the madness what is this crazy behaviour,  OK maybe that's what i was thinking, but cleaning uninterrupted and drinking my tea warm really does seem like a break for me, and since we don't live in the city i can't go to a movie or anything like that and apparently we are in for some yucky freezing rain a walk is out of the question so cleaning it is.

Now the tough part will be for me to relax and enjoy the quiet time without thinking of my kids every 5 minutes, one step at a time.

Thats me for today just living life one puzzle piece at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Drinking your tea hot and cleaning uninterrupted sounds like heaven to me. Jess, you know I think you're super-woman and if I were still there I'd tell you I was helping and dive right in. Love you always!

